Equal 就业 机会/多样性

第四部分:. Adsv - 213
批准人:博士. Pamela J. 2012年4月12日刊
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学院将确保平等就业机会,禁止歧视 基于种族、民族、宗教、国籍、性别、性取向的就业 性取向、性别认同、年龄、婚姻状况、残疾或越南身份 era veteran , the presence of a sensory, mental or physical disability or genetic 信息.The College will integrate the principles of diversity into all facets 书院院长. We strive to eliminate barriers to employment which artificially restrict 招聘,晋升,招聘,终身职位,并创建一个反映 the diversity of the client constituencies we serve. Further, the College is committed 创造一种重视和促进多样性的氛围,接触不同的环境 文化和民族被视为就业经验的关键组成部分 学院力求加强和扩大教师、职员和学生的多样性 students wherever possible.

学院致力于创造尊重和重视的文化和环境 个体差异以及鼓励每个员工的生产潜力.

学院寻求应对挑战,进一步实现澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的目标,并发展一种文化 欢迎所有进入的人. The diversity 书院院长 has a direct correlation to the excellence of services provided to students to meet their needs culturally, 经济和社会.


To define and affirm the College's commitment to Equal 就业 机会 and 多样性.

To whom does this policy apply?

All employees and volunteers are covered by this policy.


州长行政命令93-07 -确认对多元化和公平的承诺

Service Delivery and in the Communities of the State, Re-establishing Affirmative

Action and Prohibiting Discrimination in State Workplaces.

RCW 49.60; Discrimination - Human Rights Commission

WAC 162; Human Rights Commission

Title II of the 遗传信息 Nondiscrimination Act of 2008

TCC Board Resolution 98-04 - Commitment to 多样性 and Equal 就业


TCC Board Resolution 93-05 - Board Support to Accomplish 多样性 Goals.


American Indian or Alaskan Native -具有北美任何原始民族血统的人,并且保持 通过记录下来的部落归属或社区认可的文化认同.

亚洲/太平洋岛民 - A person with origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, or the Pacific Islands. For example, China, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, the Philippine Republic, and Samoa.

黑色/非裔美国人 - A person with origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.

残疾人 - Federal and state definitions vary. The term disability is substitute for the term handicap in the following definitions:

The Federal Affirmative Action and Equal 机会 Definition -

(A)严重限制一个或多个主要生活的身体或精神损伤 activities of such individual; (B) a record of such an impairment; or (C) being regarded as having such an impairment (as described in paragraph (3)).

被认为有这种缺陷的:一个人满足“存在”的要求 被视为有这种缺陷"如果个人证明他或她 因实际的 或感知到的身体或精神损伤,无论损伤是否限制或 is perceived to limit a major life activity. Regarded as having such impairment shall not apply to impairments that are transitory and minor. A transitory impairment is an impairment with an actual or expected duration of 6 months or less.

对残疾的定义的解释应有利于对个人的广泛覆盖 under this chapter, to the maximum extent permitted by the terms of the ADA.

“实质性限制”一词的解释应与调查结果一致 and purposes of the ADA Amendments Act of 2008.

严重限制一项主要生命活动的损害不必限制其他活动 major life activities in order to be considered a disability.

发作性的或缓解性的损害是一种残疾,如果它实质上 limit a major life activity when active.

确定损害是否严重限制了一项主要的生命活动 应不考虑上述缓解措施的改善效果 as: 1) medication, medical supplies, equipment, or appliances, low-vision devices (不包括普通眼镜或隐形眼镜),假肢包括 四肢和设备,助听器和人工耳蜗或其他植入式听力 devices, mobility devices, or oxygen therapy equipment and supplies; 2 ) use of assistive technology; 3) reasonable accommodations or auxiliary aids or services; or 4) learned behavioral or adaptive neurological modifications.

4(a)普通眼镜的减轻措施的改善效果或 在确定是否严重损害时应考虑隐形眼镜 limits a major life activity. 1) the term "ordinary eyeglasses or contact lenses" 指用于完全矫正视力或消除屈光的镜片 error; and 2) the term "low-vision devices" means devices that magnify, enhance, or otherwise augment a visual image.

华盛顿州平权法案的定义-一个人是残疾的,他: 是指存在感觉、精神或身体上的缺陷:1)医学上 cognizable or diagnosable; or 2) Exists as a record or history; or 3) Is perceived to exist whether or not it exists in fact.

残疾是暂时的还是永久性的,是常见的还是不常见的,是减轻的,都存在 or unmitigated, or whether or not it limits the ability to work generally or work 在一项特定的工作中,或者它是否限制了范围内的其他活动 本章的.

“损害”包括但不限于:1)任何生理障碍或状况; cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the following 身体系统:神经系统、肌肉骨骼、特殊感觉器官、呼吸系统等 语言器官,心血管器官,生殖器官,消化器官,泌尿生殖器官,血液和 lymphatic, skin, and endocrine; or 2)Any mental, developmental, traumatic, or psychological 障碍,包括但不限于认知限制,器质性脑综合症, emotional or mental illness, and specific learning disabilities.

A limitation is not substantial if it has only a trivial effect.

残疾退伍军人 - A person entitled to disability compensation under laws administered by the U.S. 退伍军人事务部对残疾的评定为30%或以上,或一个人 谁的退役或释放是由于造成或加重的残疾 在工作中.

遗传信息 -包括有关个人基因测试的信息以及 一个人的家庭成员,以及任何疾病、障碍的信息, or condition of an individual's family members (i.e. an individual's family medical 历史). Family medical history is included in the definition of genetic 信息 因为它经常被用来确定一个人是否有更高的风险得到 a disease, disorder, or condition in the future

拉美裔 -墨西哥人、波多黎各人、古巴人、中美洲人或南美洲人或其他西班牙人 culture or origin regardless of race. For example, persons from Brazil, Guyana, or 苏里南人将按种族分类,不一定包括在内 属于西班牙裔. This category does not include persons from Portugal, who should be classified according to race.

婚姻状况 - The legal status of being married, single, separated, divorced or widowed. 它 not include consideration of cohabiting relationships.

性身份 - Transsexual, intersexed, transvestite or transgender.

Sexual Orientation - Heterosexual, bisexual, or homosexual.

白色/白种人 -具有欧洲、北非或非洲任何原始民族血统的人 中东.

越战时期的老兵 - A person who served on active duty for a period of more than 180 days, any part 发生在1964年8月5日至1975年5月7日之间,并被解雇或释放 from duty with other than a dishonorable discharge.

See College 政策 - 定义